midlife stretchy stirrup pants

Middle age is when you first suspect your body of betrayal..

Middle age is when everyone else suddenly becomes younger.

Middle age is when you refuse a senior discount because you’re not old enough.

Middle age is when you’d rather take a nap than go out on the town.

Middle age is when you realize there’s not much time left to worry about getting old.

Middle age is when you’ve already seen more than you want to – several times.

Middle age is when the opposite sex doesn’t seem quite as sexy anymore.

Middle age is when you notice how small the fine print is.

Middle age is when you’ve done it all, but can’t remember if you had fun doing it.

Middle age is when you get a sneaking suspicion that you might be mortal too.

Middle age is when it seems like there’s a lot more to remember than there use to be.

Middle age is when you decide to buy that red sports car before its too late.

Middle age is when you can’t see how to find your eyeglasses.

Middle age is when you’d like to have an affair, but you don’t have the time or energy.

Middle age is when the chiropractor becomes your best friend.

Middle age is when your dog and your children forget who you are.

Middle age is when you decide the bathroom mirror is a liar.

Middle age is when you’re positive you still remember sex.

thanks to sheila Moss

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6 responses to “midlife stretchy stirrup pants

    • Wow that is so very nice of you . I am just learning about al the awards and things like that . I am so happy that you enjoy reading my blog. I have also read yours and it has been a comfort to me at times. Again thank you .
      WOW… I am excited . ( big hugs )


  1. Pingback: Let us now thank the Lord for… « butimbeautiful

  2. Oh stretch stirrup pants. When I was in college I worked at Lerner New York in the mall. That was our best seller. Then they were discontinued and you should have seen all the middle-aged women going crazy, they were pissed.


    • God, I hated those pants. Well in the 80’s we wore those tight ones and they looked hot. What’s a girl to do? I like your blog by the way . Thanks


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